My name is Pastor David Halteman and my wife’s name is Rebecca, but they call us Pastor Dave and Becky. We have four boys (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John-no joke) and they are now all over 20 years old. We live real close to the church and the church is often referred to as our second home.
I was working in construction when God called me into the ministry at the age of 21. About nine years later, in 1997, I was licensed by the BIC. I never had the opportunity to go to seminary, so I fully rely on God and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to guide me in preaching and shepherding the church. I was an associate Pastor at another church for about 6 years until God called me into full time ministry at Mowersville in 2003.
Since we have a school here at the church, I serve in two different roles; the Pastor of the church and the Administrator of our Christian School. It’s a busy life but also a blessed life as well. I do my best to get to know everyone that attends the church. I visit homes, hospitals and nursing homes when needs arise with our people. Ultimately, I am called to preach and teach the Word of God so we can grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. If you want to learn more about living for Jesus, I invite you to come visit us here at Mowersville.